
Senát schválil regulaci HHC a dalších látek

Senate approved regulation of HHC and other substances

The long-awaited amendment to the law on so-called psychomodulating substances passed the Senate, the upper chamber of the Parliament of...
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Žijte s námi Zenco Life

Live the Zenco Life with us

If you have visited our showrooms or our market stands during the last year, you will have definitely noticed the...
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Wake up! It’s HHC PM!

Wake up! It’s HHC PM!

Wake up! It’s HHC - PM! Arise and celebrate, we have a new cannabinoid for you. HHC - PM, known...
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Češi, národ houbařů. Máme muscimol v novém balení!

Czechs, a nation of mushroom pickers. We have muscimol in a new package!

Muscimol, better known under the names agarin or pantherin, is a non-toxic psychoactive substance which occurs naturally in the red...
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Zákaz dalších kanabinoidů: Co znamená pro trh a naše zákazníky?

Banning additional cannabinoids: What does it mean for the market and our customers?

As of July 1, 2024, a new ban has come into effect that affects the following cannabinoids: HHC-P, THC-B, THC-JD,...
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Otevření 2. pobočky Canna Roomz

Opening of the 2nd branch of Canna Roomz

Come celebrate with us the opening of the doors of a new paradise for cannabis lovers! We are happy to...
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Nové přírůstky na poli psychoaktivních látek

New additions to the field of psychoactive substances

Let's take a closer look at the new substances on the market, namely THC-V and Muscimol. Both are currently becoming...
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Jak může CBD posílit ženskou vitalitu?

How can CBD boost female vitality?

CBD, or cannabidiol for short, is one of the many substances contained in the hemp plant. It is a non-psychoactive...
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CBD olej a jeho účinky na psy

CBD oil and its effects on dogs

How CBD affects humans and what benefits it can bring to our body has already been discussed in previous articles....
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Sbírejte s námi ROOMZ!

Collect ROOMZ with us!

At Canna Roomz, we take care to select the highest quality cannabis products. We run a cozy design shop for...
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