As we have already said, pain has its meaning. He tells us that something has either been damaged or is about to be damaged. If we reach for a hot stove, the pain will make us immediately flinch, thus protecting us from tissue damage. Pain is essentially a warning (and emotionally unpleasant) signal that aims to protect our health and bare survival. The flip side of this "watchdog" of our body is the fact that especially frequent pain can significantly reduce the quality of our lives and be a nuisance to us.
There are two main types of pain, which differ mainly in duration. The first option is acute pain, which occurs suddenly and usually in response to something that happened immediately before. Acute pain lasts from a few seconds to three months, and its typical example is a bang, burns or a sore tooth. As the pain lasts longer, we talk about the second type, chronic pain. And while acute pain can most often be considered a symptom of an illness, injury, or injury, chronic pain is already a separate health problem. In addition, long-lasting or regularly recurring pain is often very difficult to deal with, as it is not easy to find out the cause.
Neuropathic pain is then a specific type of chronic pain. Neuropathy is caused by nerve damage and is typical of diabetics, people with multiple sclerosis or people who have injured their spine and spinal cord in the past.
Acute pain is most often very sharp or shooting and is accompanied by symptoms such as increased heart rate, dilated pupils and excessive sweating. It can usually be successfully treated with over-the-counter analgesics such as Ibalgin, Paralen or Aspirin. Acute pain (such as muscle pain) subsides quickly, which usually ends our problems. But the problem arises when, like about a third of the world's population, we begin to suffer from chronic pain. She stays with us and it is not always clear what causes her. In addition, chronic pain is very often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms that reduce our quality of life. These include bad mood, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite, insomnia or low libido.
AT Chronic pain is a major problem to uncover its cause. Many of us automatically turn to painkillers on a regular basis, but, as mentioned above, they can cause serious health problems or addiction when overused. In addition, these Ibalgins and similar drugs are not very effective for chronic pain, and with a stronger drug such as morphine or codeine, we have really strong side effects and an even higher risk of developing addiction to these drugs.
Another relatively unfortunate circumstance of classical chronic pain treatment is the fact that physicians may use antidepressants due to concomitant symptoms such as understandable bad mood, which, like analgesics, have a number of side effects and, according to recent findings, may be more harmful than help.
As you can see, none of the solutions mentioned so far is completely optimal for our overall health and well-being. Which is exactly why more and more people in pain are looking for alternatives. According to recent studies - and especially the experience of people suffering from chronic (but also acute) pain - the one that has the greatest healing potential is a substance that occurs naturally in the cannabis plant called CBD.
CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of more than a hundred cannabinoids discovered, a substance provided to the cannabis plant. Research in recent years clearly indicates that cannabinoids (the most well-known in addition to CBD include THC or CBG) have a huge potential not only to combat unpleasant pain of all kinds and origins, but also to positively affect our overall health, including mental state and mood.
So far, all indications are that CBD and other cannabis substances could become a natural and well-functioning alternative to conventional painkillers, for example in the field of pain relief and stress relief. Because overuse of these over-the-counter drugs carries many health risks, including an increased likelihood of heart failure or addiction, it certainly does not appear to be the optimal chronic pain fighter.
CBD and other phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids that we obtain from the cannabis plant - in addition to phytocannabinoids, there are endocannabinoids that we create) affect our body and mind because there is a so-called endocannabinoid system in the body of every mammal, to whose receptors phytocannabinoids bind.
The endocannabinoid system was discovered relatively recently at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, and we know in particular that it is responsible for regulating many bodily functions. The cannabinoids that we create ourselves (endocannabinoids) are responsible for their proper functioning and simply for making us feel good and everything works as it should. However, if, for some reason, there is still an imbalance in our body, we can achieve re-harmony through cannabinoids such as CBD. Chronic as well as acute pain are undoubtedly among these harmless aspects.
We already know that analgesics and other drugs have the disadvantage of treating chronic pain, that they can cause additional health problems if overused. CBD and other cannabinoids do not pose similar risks to us. No adverse side effects have been confirmed for these substances. If an unwelcome reaction occurred, for example, because of the interaction between CBD and another drug used, the effect of CBD suppressed this effect.
However, the CBD itself has so far always confirmed that it is very safe for us and it is practically impossible to overdose on it. Phytocannabinoids - although their chemical composition differs from that of endocannabinoids, but they work very similarly - are actually very natural for our body. However, please note that any definitive health claims are still not allowed. This is mainly due to the fact that cannabinoid research is still relatively fresh. Until we know the long-term effects of cannabinoids on the human body, we cannot say with certainty that it is 100% safe and under all circumstances.
Many people are still worried about cannabinoids, mostly because they see the cannabis plant as synonymous with marijuana, which contains the most famous cannabinoid in the world - narcotic THC. However, CBD cannabinoid does not have these consciousness-altering capabilities and is therefore completely and utterly safe, even for professional athletes or drivers who cannot afford any prohibited substance in their blood. CBD is therefore 100% legal, it really has only a minimum of side effects, which also occur with a certain combination of CBD with some other substance.
Research into the effects of CBD on pain, especially chronic pain, is still growing. It turns out that its potential is really great. The truth remains that cannabinoids work a little differently on everyone, and their effects are influenced by a large number of factors. These include weight, age, metabolic rate, sensitivity to cannabinoids, the type and intensity of the problem (such as pain) and much more. So all we have to do is try the CBD and experiment a bit - there is no need to worry about any serious side effects. Basically, the worst thing that can happen to you with CBD is that it won't work for you. However, various studies show that up to two-thirds of people with some type of chronic pain have experienced relief and improved quality of life from cannabidiol.
One of the main advantages of the CBD, which is the focus of more and more studies, is its ability to reduce inflammation. And because inflammation is one of the main causes of chronic pain, cannabidiol can effectively reduce pain in many cases. CBD can reduce swelling and increased sensitivity of the inflamed area and be very helpful in dealing with pain.
As already mentioned, we are all different and the effectiveness of cannabidiol on our body is affected by many factors. In general, however, the dose that can help people with chronic pain is about 10 to 40 milligrams. Please note that the stated amount is only roughly indicative and may vary in your case. If you do not yet have personal experience with CBD, it is always recommended to start at a very low dose and only gradually increase the dose after you find out how strongly your body responds to cannabinoids.