Use and dosage of CBD

You already know that you want to try CBD. So it's time to choose how to get a beneficial cannabinoid into your body. There are many possibilities. From ointments and creams to drops and oils to, for example, CBD gummy bears. Once you have chosen your preferred form of use, it is the number two cannabis dilemma - how much to give. We have written all the basic information you should get before your first experience with CBD. We will first discuss the possible routes of administration, then how to deal with the dosage.

Ways to use CBD

CBD oil

CBD-containing oils of various concentrations are the most common way to provide the body with cannabinoids. The advantage is the possibility of completely individual dosing and also the rapid onset of effect. CBD oils are most often used internally, either by dripping under the tongue (onset of effect in about 15 minutes) or perhaps by adding to soup (slower onset of effect). However, oils or tinctures can also be used for external treatment.

CBD capsules

Unlike CBD oil, capsules have a dose that is precisely given in advance and you cannot therefore adjust it as needed. They are intended for internal use only. Their administration is very quick and practical, and if you don't really like the taste of CBD drops, you will be pleased that the capsules do not taste anything at all. Capsules, like oils, are most often offered in several variants with different CBD content.

CBD vaping

Our body can also receive CBD with the help of a vaporizer, by vaporizing either a dried CBD hemp flower or a wax, oil or other concentrate containing CBD. Users agree that with vaporization the onset of effect is almost immediate and at the same time the most effective. Vaping CBD hemp or extracts does not cause an alteration of consciousness like classic THC-containing marijuana.

Smoking CBD

Just as CBD hemp flowers can be inhaled using a vaporizer, you can also smoke them traditionally. CBD sticks are indistinguishable from classic ones with THC content in terms of appearance, smell and taste, the main difference is that while smoking THC changes our consciousness and gets us high, smoking CBD does not have such effects. Even in this case, inhalation is a very quick way to deliver CBD to the body.

CBD ointments and creams

As we have already said about CBD oils, in addition to internal use, cannabinoids can also be applied through the skin. Ointments, oils, and other lubrications containing CBD are excellent for treating irritated, burnt or dry skin, they can effectively fight acne, help in the treatment of psoriasis, contribute to regeneration and can also relieve strained muscles.

Drinks and food

Of course, we can also get CBD into our body through food and drink. The choice is really wide today. There are CBD teas or CBD coffee, CBD proteins, CBD gummy bears, CBD butters and much more. However, the onset of effect here is slower than with CBD oil. While the oil works through the mucous membrane in about 15 minutes, it takes about an hour for food to pass through the digestive tract.

CBD and appropriate dosage

Determining the optimal amount of CBD to deliver to the body is not easy at all. This is due to the fact that a huge number of different things influence this choice, and that each of us reacts differently to cannabinoids. Factors to consider include weight, age, type of problem, severity of the problem, resistance to cannabinoids, metabolic rate, and more.

Although the dosage is so wildly individual, individual manufacturers indicate a recommended dosage on their products, which serves well as a kind of springboard. The truth remains that the effect of CBD on our body needs to be tested first.

If you have no experience with cannabinoids, we definitely recommend starting with the lowest dose possible and gradually increasing as needed. Although there is no risk of a dangerous overdose, some people can become very relaxed and tired after even a small amount. It is a good idea to first find out how strongly you will react to CBD.