What to know about cannabis

Technical cannabis, CBD, cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, marijuana… names with which we see everywhere nowadays due to a huge boom in cannabis products. Are you just getting lost in all the nomenclature? Would you like to finally have order in the whole cannabis topic? No problem - we have tried to write everything on this page, plain and simple.

Origin: cannabis plant

It all starts with a plant called Cannabis, which has been grown on our planet for millennia. Cannabis is a genus of annual herbs in the cannabis family. Like most plants, cannabis is divided into a large number of species and subspecies, or varieties.

There are 3 basic types of cannabis:

  • Cannabis Sativa

  • Cannabis Indica

  • Hybrid of both of the above

Cannabis is known worldwide mainly for smoking marijuana, but this plant has much more diverse potential. Technical hemp is used in the production of paper, textiles, building materials, food, but also cosmetics, drugs and medicines.

The cannabis plant contains over a hundred (so far discovered) chemical compounds, which we call cannabinoids. The two most important cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). More about them below.

Cannabinoids are found not only in the cannabis plant, but also inside the body of all mammals - including us humans. They are called endocannabinoids. We even have a whole system that reacts with cannabinoids (whether those we create ourselves or those we obtain from the cannabis plant) and takes care of them with the help of maintaining optimal internal balance and the proper functioning of many bodily functions. This endocannabinoid system is the main reason why the cannabis plant has such a huge therapeutic and beneficial potential according to previous research. Endocannabinoids (the body makes them itself) and phytocannabinoids (obtained from cannabis) have a different chemical composition, but they work very similarly. Cannabis therefore allows us to compensate for a possible deficiency of endocannabinoids with cannabinoids of plant origin.

Technical hemp vs. marijuana

Is cannabis legal? Generally speaking, cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC is considered legal - it is referred to as technical cannabis (hemp). In contrast, cannabis with a THC content above this limit is commonly referred to as marijuana. Marijuana is still legal in the Czech Republic only on prescription.

Both technical cannabis and marijuana belong to the same plant genus and species. Their chemical composition is qualitatively similar, but they differ mainly in the amount of substances contained. The main difference is in the ratio of cannabinoids THC and CBD. THC predominates in marijuana and CBD in technical cannabis.

Sativa, indica and hybrid

As we already know, we are talking about three basic species of the genus Cannabis. What is their main difference and how do they work most often?

Cannabis Sativa & nbsp; (Cannabis Sativa)

  • Up to 6 meters tall plant with long narrow leaves
  • Encouraging effect
  • Causes laughter
  • Increases creativity

Indian Cannabis & nbsp; (Cannabis Indica)

  • Lower (1-2 meters) plant with robust dark leaves
  • Relaxing effects
  • Relieve stress and anxiety
  • Pain relief


  • Of the about 800 varieties today, at least half belong to hybrids
  • Relaxing effects
  • Relieve anxiety
  • Balances body and mind


THC is a cannabinoid, a chemical compound that occurs naturally in the cannabis plant. It is a typical consciousness-changing "examination". However, it is also popular for its therapeutic effects, which include relief from pain and nausea or restoration of appetite.

Likewise, CBD is a cannabinoid, but it cannot change consciousness and has no intoxicating effects. Legally, CBD is obtained only from the technical hemp plant, which always contains a THC ratio up to the legal limit of 0.3%. However, CBD is also represented in marijuana, where it coexists not only with THC, but also with other cannabinoids.

Advantages of "FULL SPECTRUM"

The so-called full-spectrum extract from the cannabis plant is one in which not only one major cannabinoid (such as CBD) occurs, but all naturally occurring substances in the plant. These include other cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and others. Research to date clearly suggests that when individual cannabis substances act as a team (as nature itself intended), they support each other and increase their effects. This is the so-called synergistic effect.

Because research on cannabis and cannabinoids is in full swing, no health claims can yet be made about CBD.

However, studies, experts and users agree that this compound has great potential in solving problems such as inflammation, chronic pain, insomnia, mental imbalance, skin problems and much more.

CBD and other cannabinoids represent one of the most fundamental discoveries in natural medicine in recent times, and we can expect an abundance of new discoveries and knowledge in the future.