We closed our showroom at Náplavka. Why?

Zavřeli jsme náš showroom na Náplavce. Proč?

As many of you surely know, visits to Canna Roomz are no longer enriched by the scenic view of Prague Castle and the Vltava River. We have closed the store on Rašínovo nábřeží after nearly four years and have moved to Sokolovská Street in Karlín. Although we informed you about this change on social media, newsletters, and in the stores themselves, in this article we want to explain our reasons, but also reassure you that there is still much to look forward to!

It is actually you, our customers, thanks to whom we could spend four beautiful years at Náplavka and subsequently open the second (currently the only) store in Karlín. Thank you.



There are several reasons for downsizing: A year ago at this time, when a ban on HHC was looming after several media-covered instances of greenout among minors, we hoped that the approval and implementation of the law regulating psychomodulatory substances would come as quickly as possible. From the original proposals of the law and the statements of politicians in the media, it looked promising. The regulation was supposed to be effective, meaningful, and for the more optimistic among us, it represented the first step towards the legalization of cannabis. 

The introduction of a list of regulated but legal psychomodulatory substances has indeed taken place. The law comes into effect on January 1, 2025. However, you cannot buy HHC, and products containing THC up to 1% must remain displayed on the shelf. Conversely, minors still have access to kratom and various derivatives of THC and HHC. How is this possible? According to the Ministry of Health: "Given the uniqueness and complexity of this regulation, caution in the inclusion and classification of substances, consultation procedures, and technical notification, the effectiveness of the implementing legal regulations is expected during the second quarter of 2025." We have no choice but to keep waiting.

Due to unclear and non-progressive drug policy, it simply did not pay off for us to have two stores, and the attendance at the Karlín branch was already higher shortly after opening. For those of you who had a closer distance to us at Náplavka, we have expanded the assortment that we offer every Saturday at the farmers' markets, so feel free to stop by.

As always, we prioritized quality over quantity. Not only is our Karlín store designed to make your shopping experience as pleasant and Instagram-friendly as possible, but you will also find the same and newer premium products that you are used to. Our familiar faces, but above all qualified staff, will assist you with your selection within the legal limits. 


The next, no less important reason is the upcoming opening of the bar Weedtah. We chose the premises of the Karlín store so that the first, cannabis bar in Prague could be hidden in the basement beneath it, we dare to say. We have been teasing you about the opening of the bar for some time now, we know that, and believe us, we are not doing it on purpose. Construction work is known for dragging on, and unfortunately, that also applies to our construction site. A water connection burst in the space above it, and the bar was flooded. Before construction work can continue, it is necessary to wait until the space is completely dry. We are looking forward to the grand opening just as much as you are, and we hope to toast to the occasion of the opening of Weedtah in June 2025.


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