CBD stands for cannabidiol, one of more than a hundred discovered cannabinoids, substances that occur naturally in the cannabis plant. According to research in recent years and the rich experience of users so far, it is clear that cannabinoids (among the best known are, in addition to CBD, such as THC or CBG) have a huge potential to positively affect our overall health.
It seems that CBD and other cannabis, for example in the field of pain relief and stress relief, could become a natural and well-functioning alternative to classic painkillers, such as the well-known pink Ibalgin. As we know today, overuse of these over-the-counter drugs carries many health risks, including an increased likelihood of heart failure, and can lead to addiction. Therefore, it is definitely not suitable as a regular helper for muscle relief.
It turns out that CBD and other cannabinoids do not pose similar risks to us. For these substances, no adverse side effects have been confirmed so far, and if an unwelcome reaction has already occurred, this is because, for example, due to the interaction between CBD and another drug used, this effect has been suppressed by the presence of CBD.
However, the CBD itself has always confirmed that it is very safe for us. However, any definitive health claims are not yet possible, due to the relatively recent research on cannabinoids. Until we know the long-term effects of cannabinoids on the human body, we will not be able to say with certainty that it is 100% safe and under all circumstances.
Cannabinoids can have a positive effect on the state of our body and mind because we have a relatively recently discovered system in us called cannabinoids. This system consists, among other things, of receptors that bind cannabinoids to each other. Our body can make its own cannabinoids - so-called endocannabinoids - on its own. In addition, however, there are phytocannabinoids, which are those cannabinoids that occur naturally in the cannabis plant. Although endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids have different chemical compositions, they act very similarly.
The endocannabinoid system was not discovered until the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, and we know in particular that it is responsible for regulating many bodily functions. The cannabinoids that we create then affect, for example, our mood, ability to regenerate, or even appetite. Therefore, if for some reason an imbalance occurs in our body, we can achieve re-harmony through cannabinoids such as CBD.
The task of cannabinoids in cooperation with the endocannabinoid system is to return our body to a state of optimal balance and to keep everything in our body and mind running smoothly. CBD could therefore be perfect for the inconveniences that professional athletes commonly face - whether it's injuries, strained muscles, sore joints, inflammatory diseases, or even long healing.
However, the benefits and likely effects of cannabinoids are far from over. CBD can dramatically improve the quality of our sleep, calm our minds, relieve nervousness and anxiety, improve concentration, support our metabolism and digestion, help with skin ailments, and the potential to treat very serious diseases such as cancer or Crohn's disease.
So as we can see, CBD can be very helpful for anyone who is more often exposed to demanding to extreme performances and needs to compensate for this excessive stress. At the same time, it has a positive effect on basic bodily functions such as sleep or metabolism, which are undoubtedly as important for every athlete as movement itself.
A question that comes to mind for any professional athlete who undergoes regular drug tests. After all - CBD comes from the cannabis plant, which we still have fixed as marijuana, which is still classified as a drug. However, just like in the plant, there is the cannabinoid THC, which causes a change in consciousness, and what a fuss, the cannabinoid CBD does not have such effects. This is officially confirmed by the World Anti-Doping Agency, which in 2018 removed the CBD from the list of banned substances.
But be careful. The truth remains that due to the so-called "entourage effect", which consists in the fact that when the substances contained in cannabis act together, their healing potential increases, the most effective products are considered to be those containing a broad-spectrum cannabis extract. Thus, in addition to CBD, such an extract also contains other cannabinoids, including a small amount of THC, always within the legally permitted limit of 0.3%. This is an amount that will definitely not intoxicate you, but with plenty of regular use, the accumulated THC could turn out to be a drug test.
In addition to the full spectrum, there is also a broad spectrum, containing CBD and other cannabinoids, but THC is missing. However, another fact that every professional athlete should consider is that while CBD has been removed from the Prohibited List, other cannabinoids have not been granted such an exemption and are still generally required as undesirable. On the other hand, the broad-spectrum products of these other cannabinoids also do not contain high levels. However, any sport may react differently to the presence of cannabinoids other than CBD in the athlete's body.
Although neither full-spectrum nor broad-spectrum CBD products should appear on a drug test, especially for their small number, one never knows. The only 100% safe variant thus remains the CBD isolate, ie the variant in which the CBD is completely separated from other cannabis substances. Its advantage is the already mentioned safety for athletes who undergo drug tests. The disadvantage is the fact that its effectiveness may be slightly lower than that of full-spectrum and broad-spectrum extracts, due to the depletion of the extract with a supportive entourage effect, which is not possible without other cannabis substances.
Also, don't forget that not every bottle of CBD oil says what is actually hidden in it. Therefore, if it is important for your sports career that no prohibited substances appear in your body, make sure that you buy quality and proven products from reputable brands. Knee-made fixtures from one's garage are hardly recommended.