The Eyce PV1 represents the very first vaporizer of its brand on the market, moreover at a very user-friendly price. This is an exceptional, easy-to-use dry herb vaporizer designed with incredible durability and portability. Thanks to AutoFlow™ technology, the vaporizer has 4 preset temperature settings that gradually increase the temperature over 5 minutes for optimal effect. The Eyce PV1 vaporizer will automatically start to heat up when turned on, while the light around the button shows the appropriate AutoFlow™ session setting. It vibrates when it reaches the desired temperature and is ready for use. After five minutes, the vaporizer will automatically turn off.
AutoFlow™ temperature setting:
- Blue (low) 176 – 188 °C
- Green 188 – 199 °C
- Yellow 199 – 210 °C
- Red (high) 210 – 221 °C