Like all DynaVap vaporizers, the M Plus model has neither a battery nor a cable and requires an external heat source (such as a lighter) to operate. This heats up the lid of the vaporizer chamber, which lets you know with a click that it's time to vape. Made primarily from super-durable medical grade stainless steel in the USA, the M Plus is virtually indestructible. Undoubtedly, the important bonuses are the unprecedented savings of dried herbs or high-quality, tasty and rich steam. This portable vaporizer gives you the freedom to use your device virtually anywhere with any independent heat source, but we recommend a butane burner or induction heater for optimal flavor. A two-position Adjust-a-Bowl function is included inside the extraction chamber, which allows you to adjust the size of the dosing chamber to your needs, making it ideal for microdosing. The DynaVap M Plus vaporizer is the first tip without fins for quick heating and more pronounced airflow for easier control of the air flow. Thanks to the redesigned indicator tip without ends, it will offer faster heating. In addition, unlike its predecessor, it can hold up to 15% more material.
The vaporizer is primarily designed for use with dry herbs, but it is possible to purchase a DynaCoil adapter separately and use it for concentrates as well.