CBD coffee Brazil Cafeina Group beans (250 mg CBD)

Coffee beans from Brazil with 250 mg of CBD suitable for all preparation methods
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    Product description

    Enjoy a combination of premium coffee with undertones of peanut butter, Brazil nut and wormwood complemented by CBD extract. The coffee itself originally comes from Brazil, where it was processed using the natural method in the community cooperative Cafeina Group. The beans were then roasted and CBD mixed with coconut oil was then applied to them. CBD coffee is suitable for those who not only want to eliminate the adverse effects of caffeine such as heart palpitations or nervousness, but also to support their organism in general. CBD oil is applied to the beans after roasting in the ratio of 1 kg of coffee = 6 ml of oil = 1000 mg of CBD. CBD oil is then mixed into the grains by hand in order to achieve the highest possible consistency and use the oil to the maximum. CBD and other cannabis substances act on the endocannabinoid system inside our body, helping to maintain an optimal balance. CBD coffee Brazil Cafeina Group is therefore a great choice for anyone who wants to feel relaxed and calm during the day, sleep well, have a better mood, but also relieve sore muscles or joints. Above all, it tastes really great.